Can A Makeover Cause A Makeover?

Some days I hate to be the cynic who analyzes a situation down to its core. Other days, I have no control over it and my brain goes to work. Today is one of those days.

By the year 2020, Harriet Tubman will be the new face of the $20. Ideally, this is great. Its a symbol that both African Americans and Women are important and represented in American government. A long time coming, this is a way to incorporate normality among the minorities in America. Again, yay.

However, I find myself surprisingly annoyed the way that this story is being twisted into a way of justifying these subcultures importance. I can’t help but feel like this is only a tactic for the government to use against claims of injustice. Similar to the claim, “African American are equal. We have a black president now. Racism doesn’t exist anymore” WRONG.

I think about the time and energy (and possible costs) that this change will bring. I’m sure it took hours to create a template. Hours to create, distribute and tally a petition. Hours to conduct the PR efforts. Many, many hours.

But do these hours really mean anything?

I’m sure that from a women’s focus, men will still have more of these newly designed 20’s in their wallets than there professional female counterparts.

From a racial standpoint, I can guarantee that these fancy new bills will not do much to help bring poverty to an end in oppressed urban communities. Or help bring an end to discrimination, healthcare obstacles, and education barriers which reside in African American communities.

So what exactly is the point. Yes, representation is a start. But I fear that this is just a scapegoat for those unaffected by real life prejudices.

“Racism and Feminism are no longer an issue here in America. We have a black women on our bills!”

I cringe at the thought.

I just hope that this is a starting point for real change within these subcultures and not an excuse to excuse unjustifiable behavior. I think its time to stop focusing on what looks like equality in the states and actually strive for real equality. Lets put our time, energy and maybe bills toward real progress which can make positive changes.

On that note, Harriet, you deserve it. I hope your face inspires and represents more than a just makeover in the future.


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